Daniel Cheong Jun Jie

Welcome to my website! This website contains my projects that I did and my personal blogs and experience developing software applications. Thanks for visting my website!

Here are my major school projects that I did during my 3 years at Nanyang Poly. These are mainly projects that I did with my classmates that will showcase technical and soft skills that I have developed.

1. Cruise Ship: Health Declaration System

App Development Image

This is a simple Flask Web App that uses Create, retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to create a Web Application system for a cruise ship company. This is to make the check in process more efficient for cruise passengers, with the COVID-19 measures in place. I was tasked to lead my team to manage the project and to create and manage health declaration status of users.

My role:

  • Project leader: manage project timeline, progress tracking and monitoring of my team members
  • Develop Health Declaration system for cruise ship project

Language used:

  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript


  • Bootstrap 4 (styling of HTML websites)
  • Flask (Python web framework)
  • Jinja2 (for html templates )
  • WTForms (for HTML forms)

Features I have Implemented:


  • Health declaration form with validators
  • Table with status for every check-in session


  • Manage health declaration status of Users

2. Systems Security Project : login functionality

System security image

This is a more advanced project of Cruise ship system where my team and I were tasked to implement security features to our project, such as Two-Factor Authentication (2fa) and ReCaptcha, to create a more secure Web Application.

My Role:

  • Developer: develop and implement security features for login, such as password reset and authentication.

Language used:

  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • mySQL


  • Flask
  • Jinja2
  • Bootstrap 4
  • mySQL, requests (for Database)
  • bcrypt, Fernet (for cryptography and hashing of passwords)

Features I have implemented:

  • Forgot password with email reset url
  • Change password
  • Login retries and lockout
  • signup validation and password requirements
  • Hashing of passwords

3. Smart Store ASP.NET Application

This is a group project where I have to lead my team to create an application that uses IoT sensors to implement in a grocery store to better manage the inventory system and the products displayed in the store. We have also used a MS Azure cloud environment for our database and IoT virtual device.

Language used:

  • ASP.NET Application
  • C#


  • 3-tier Architecture: Presentation, Application (Business Logic Layer), Data (Data Access Layer)
  • Bootstrap (Html, CSS, JavaScript)
  • jQuery
  • Microsoft Ajax Bundle (MsAjaxBunble)
  • MS Azure cloud storage